October 2018 Mortgage Update

Wednesday Oct 17th, 2018


October 17, 2018 Just a quick update for you on the mortgage market on this rather dreary and wet start to Fall. Currently we are experiencing upward pressure on mortgage rates…now is a great time to get your pre-approvals done and hold today’s rates for up to 120 days.  A reasonable rule of thumb for you to utilize as you figure out your monthly mortgage carrying costs, would be $500/month for each 100k borrowed. Residential Market Commentary – Increases in... [read more]

Getting Your Ducks In A Row With A Mortgage Pre-Approval

Friday Apr 13th, 2018


GETTING YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW… Thinking of buying a property, but don’t know where to start? Well… that’s where a mortgage pre-approval comes in. Start here. Just like you wouldn’t go into a restaurant without having enough money to buy your meal, so you shouldn’t start shopping for a home without an understanding of how much you can afford. So, let’s have a conversation about mortgage pre-approvals so you can get this house hunting... [read more]



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